To Know more of me sneak into my publications:
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Rachel 'N UWA |
List Of Publications:
- Rachel Predeepa-Javahar. (2012). Physiological and Anatomical Implications of Salinity on Rice as a Semi-Aquatic Species. Cambridge Scholars Publishing. UK.
- Dilip J and Predeepa R.J. (2012). Aspergilli and Rhizobia are better co-inoculants! In the Pipeline . The South Pacific Journal of Natural and Applied Sciences. 29 (1): 7-11.
- Rachel Predeepa. (2012). Aerobic Rice: A Review. International Journal of Farm Sciences. 2 (2): 5-10.
- Technical Summary FAO Document - FAO Conference 16 (Learning From The Past)
- Kavitha C and Predeepa R. J. (2010). Antibiosis Of Bacteriocins With Domestic Lactobacilli Isolated From Prepared Curd. Emirates Journal For Food And Agriculture. 22 (5): 398-405.
- Predeepa R .J and Dr. A. D. Ravindran (2010). Nodule Formation, Distribution and Symbiotic Efficacy Of Vigna unguiculata L. Under Salt Stress. Emirates Journal For Food and Agriculture. 22 (4): 275-284.
- Rachel Predeepa. J (June 29, 2010). The Plant, The Crop, The Ultimate Food - Rice, Ezine
- Rachel Predeepa .J and Dr. A.D. Ravindran. (2006). The Prospect of legume- Rhizobium Symbiosis in Reclamation of Saline Lands – A Review. Paper presented and selected as one of the four papers for publication in The Proceedings For The Electronic Conference on “Salinization: Extent of Salinization and Strategies for Salt-Affected Land Prevention and Rehabilitation”. February 6 to March 31 2006.
- Saravanan .S, Rachel Predeepa .J and Thilagavathy Daniel. (2004). Bioefficacy of Plant Extracts on Common Pathogenic Bacteria. In: Proceedings for the National Seminar on “Rural Biotechnology For Sustainable Development”. 21st and 22nd February 2004. Pp: 91-95, Gandhigram Rural Institute-Deemed University, Gandhigram, Dindigul, Tamil Nadu, India.
- Rachel Predeepa .J, Ranjithkumar .S and Abraham .G. C. (2004). Genotype Dependant Variation on Salt Stressed Gossypium hirsutum .L cultivars. Paper presented in National Seminar on “Rural Biotechnology For Sustainable Development”. 21st and 22nd February 2004, Gandhigram Rural Institute-Deemed University, Gandhigram, Dindigul, India, Tamil Nadu, India.
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