When I was small, I was thought the Lord's prayer. I was told that the Lord's prayer is powerful and has to be told whenever fear and distress creeps in. This has been my practice ever since. I remember people sharing with me their experiences of how they were able to ward off sorcerers approaching them while on travel.
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Since 2014, I had been blackmailed to "use modus", as a village girl belonging to the brahmin caste moved with Indian army soldiers and rode in their bike. The villagers got aggravated and started to threaten me to "use modus". They never approached me directly for that will gain me legal support. This is true as the DCP, LO of Madurai took it seriously and appointed somebody to investigate this issue ever since. Ever since there was mockery by some supporting forces of that village woman who nicknamed herself as "amelio" with the help of technology. I have seen people asking to "use modus" on me and they have travelled to Chennai stalking me with the same intention. In 2014, however, there was also immediate enquiry initiated by police of Madurai. People got aware that they are using faux drugs and are circulating some kind of "plant chemicals" that will affect periods of women. Some also claimed that it was "cannabis" and "ecstasy or happy" drugs. Moreover, through the technology they had been bullying over my faith in God and were trying to woo for sexual relationships with a man known to this "amelio". In 2016 to 2017, while I was staying in Chennai, they brought in this practice to the local "mariamman temple". But the temple administration was announcing very clearly that they celebrate the annual festival praying only for rain. But the priest of the temple was carried away by "modus practice" as I have seen him shouting alone in the temple to the goddess asking to "use modus to please the Goddess". Besides, it's a very common practice that drugs and plant chemicals like cannabis are used in such annual temple festivals, especially in those temples where practices of hooking exist as to prevent bleeding. In 2014, Madurai has seen some of the crimes related to black magic like human sacrifice of young and unmarried women, forceful marriages by doping the groom or the bride, robbery and so on. All this led to me think that I write something about black magic.
Black magic is not supernatural. Yes, even in The Bible, there was the demonstration of black magic and sorcery by the magicians of the Pharoah's court in Egypt to Moses. But after Jesus, God said that the miracles will be performed through his disciples on earth and people will be blessed with skills to carry out the work of God. Besides, in these days I don't think there are any real such magicians who are able to relate to Satan to perform devlish activities. Yes, but there are people who worship demons and gods to get supernatural powers. For receiving these powers and performing some magical tricks, they harm fellow human beings. I like to list some of the black magic practices that I have heard of and I will try to update this blog as I receive more information on the "tricks and chemicals" that they use to deceive people.
1. Hypnosis:
a. This is a very common mode of theft practice in Madurai. I have heard people say that they get mesmerized and stunned by the robbers before snatching them of jewels and money. For achieving this, these robbers use chemicals and plant herbs.
b. Another form of hypnosis is carried out by some kind of priests doing worship and trying to chase or call for demons and spirits. They use drugs like cannabis, marijuana and other plant herbs that causes hallucinations. They use plant herbs that have psyhoactive implications.
2. Human Sacrifice: I have heard about burying human beings, especially unmarried girls and woman, for achieving prosperity and ward off evil. These people are also known to be involved in having sexual relationships with these women, especially based on their star birth dates.
3. Witchcraft: In TamilNadu, witchcraft is of different types, namely, pilli, suniyam, seivinai, yeval and vasiyam. They have their own significance. For achieving these supernatural sensations and mystical deception, these priests use chemicals and cheap magical tricks. They also say a lot of lies and dope themselves to exalt themselves. They carry out lot of rituals like using beetle and tea leaves for prophesying, use eye cosmetics - kajal - for showing the past, puff up smoke, pray with bones and skulls, use a piece of clothing, hair or jewelry, and use women reproductive parts like uterus for worship.
4. Prophesy and Eternal life: Demonic or witch priests claim of prophesying the future and foretelling using spirits and perform cheap gimmicks. With advancement of technology they use technological effect to cheat on people besides chemicals and tricks.
To be updated...