Thursday, 20 February 2020
Reducing Thrash - Small Efforts Bigger Contributions
Consumerism - Unspoken stressor to Indian Corporates
(C) depositphotos |
Then when you are depressed. You are depressed when you don’t feel the stress and burnout; your buying spree is uncontrollable and you stock up beyond your needs. Your addiction makes you depressed when is not satiated. Depressed that was once a societal taboo these days has turned out to be a fancy word today, without which you are considered normal and odd one in the crowd.
To be normal should one be depressed?
Saturday, 1 February 2020
What make FATS - Good or Bad?
If you are working 8 hours a day and give hours at the desk, then you are leading a sedentary lifestyle. On the contrary, if you are going to a gym, walking daily to the office, or actively doing physical exercise then you are leading an active lifestyle.
The carbs and proteins that you consume despite the fatty avoidances will still form the bad fats in the body from these sources. They form cholesterol and are deposited beneath the skin. Even when you are active these fats do breakdown but make the scenario worse by getting into the blood circulation. Thus these fats pose you to higher risk.
If you don't consume good fats then you will lose the fat homeostasis in the body causing a number of ailments. The good fats will scavenge these bad fats and keep them in balance and you safe. So consumption of good fats is mandatory. The good fats are the monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fatty acids that are found in avocado, nuts, and fatty fishes. So consume these daily in proportions and increase your protein intake especially when you plan a weight management schedule.
(C) vitajoyusa |