Thursday, 20 February 2020

Reducing Thrash - Small Efforts Bigger Contributions

Small efforts will reap bigger contributions. Thrash is a menace; global weather is fluctuating drastically to blame of climate change. Let me list here what small deeds of us can lead to bigger contributions. I don’t have the statistics but I have the ideas and deeds listed out: 

(C) WeinotFilms

Give up single-use plastics. Use paper cartons and clothe bags. It’s fun to carry your bag to the market. 
2.     Switch off lights as much as possible. 
3.     Use technology wisely and less. The more you rest and indulge in other forms of leisure your emotional bonds also will grow.
4.     Stoop throwing garbage on the streets. 
5.     Turn off your TV and computer in the office as you leave the room or desk.
6.     Do group events or family leisure time. 
7.     Grow trees
8.     Keep your vehicle clean and smart that uses nominal fuel and doesn’t form soot.
9.     Stop burning your Agri produces in mass
10.  Electrocute organic material
11.  Judicious use everything in our daily lives
12.  Encourage nature-based products for decoration
13.  Use leaf based and organic material for your family gathering and business conference souvenirs and dinners
14.  ….add your points to this list

Consumerism - Unspoken stressor to Indian Corporates

This is my opinion and observation. Stress, depression, and burnout are the buzz corporate words. People just have the habit of saying they are feeling depressed when the fact is their body and mind are only stressed. How can one stay with them if they are depressed?

(C) depositphotos

When you face physical fatigue and a mental block, this is only a burnout. Consumerism, your needs forcing you to do workloads of others, is the one that forces you to exert your body and mind. This results in burnout. Continuing and stretching your burnout for your buying sprees is only stress. What to do that we desire and the society sells clothes that wear out after wearing for 2 or 3 times. The consumeristic economic strategies are to be blamed.

Then when you are depressed. You are depressed when you don’t feel the stress and burnout; your buying spree is uncontrollable and you stock up beyond your needs. Your addiction makes you depressed when is not satiated. Depressed that was once a societal taboo these days has turned out to be a fancy word today, without which you are considered normal and odd one in the crowd.

To be normal should one be depressed?

Saturday, 1 February 2020

What make FATS - Good or Bad?

If you are working 8 hours a day and give hours at the desk, then you are leading a sedentary lifestyle. On the contrary, if you are going to a gym, walking daily to the office, or actively doing physical exercise then you are leading an active lifestyle. 

The carbs and proteins that you consume despite the fatty avoidances will still form the bad fats in the body from these sources. They form cholesterol and are deposited beneath the skin. Even when you are active these fats do breakdown but make the scenario worse by getting into the blood circulation. Thus these fats pose you to higher risk. 

If you don't consume good fats then you will lose the fat homeostasis in the body causing a number of ailments. The good fats will scavenge these bad fats and keep them in balance and you safe. So consumption of good fats is mandatory. The good fats are the monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fatty acids that are found in avocado, nuts, and fatty fishes. So consume these daily in proportions and increase your protein intake especially when you plan a weight management schedule.

(C) vitajoyusa