Tuesday, 28 November 2017

What Makes THE PILL Different from Hormone? What's THE PILL is in India?

I write this blog following this status update I made in my LinkedIn Profile:

(C) cartoonstock

THE PILL is all that people wanted to know more of and the reason for the misnotion and chaos. I never wanted to know. Why? For I believed, whatever be the tablet they are asking me to take - even if paracetamol or a chewing gum - I have as citizen of this democratic India to file a FIR for being black mailed and if doped, a hurt and mischief complaint. But, when they spelled the word "modus", this created a stir for people were aware that they are asking to use this tablet as "THE PILL". This was going on since January 2014, but I know that the mass was stirred on 7th June 2014 at 5:30 A.M when a woman in the village started threatening me to abuse with these drugs...blah...blah..and then followed the stir asking all the unmarried women in that area to use these drugs. Why me? I know on 6 June 2014 this village woman calling herself was under the custody of soldiers and they wanted me to use the drugs for the armed soldiers troop questioned this nicknamed woman, "amelio ponnu/person" for intimidating me. I was not aware as to why she was under their custody; and her father was also stirring up something in the Commissioner of Police Office in Madurai with the guards on duty at Meenakshi Amman Temple, which also I witnessed on 5 June 2014. My aim now is to mend "THE PILL" awareness for I know that the increased stir to use this "modus"drugs has stirred in an interest to people to "use the pill" as "emergency contraception".

Let me make clear certain facts of "THE PILL"and the modus or "Hormone Tablets"!!!

I need to write this and hopefully, I wish no more of this heated discussion around me to threaten abuse or possibility of being abused, please!

"THE PILL" are the contraceptions that are also made of the same hormones called the sex hormones: they can be "THE MALE PILL"or "THE FEMALE PILL". Hence, accordingly the pills are made of sex hormones of single type or in combination that in dosages used will not cause harm or alter the natural hormonal balance in the body to cause medical complications unlike the misuse and abuse of HORMONE TABLETS that will cause serious medical complications including death.

Let me write in this blog more of THE PILLS as I have already written of the hormone tablet in my previous blog:

There are nearly 16 different ways of effective contraception method for a couple who do not prefer to have a baby wants to adopt. All they need to do is discuss their doubts, anxieties and needs to a good health practitioner, preferably an adrologist or a gynecologist. This is the couple's choice to decide with the physician and is between the couple to decide as to who will go for the contraception. Why public or employer or a brahmin or an authority?

With advent of technology and racing with time, stress being the buzz word, as the reproductive age spans from 15 to 49 years, adolescent maternity and late maternity are of increase and both of which are prone and cause for increased maternal death rate when the pregnancy is unplanned. So the Government of India has dedicated this year, April 11, National Safe Motherhood Day, for reducing maternal deaths. While they discuss of women's reproductive rights being violated by refusing to prescribe contraception when unmarried and/or without husband, this is also the right of the women to refuse to use such "pills" for need of employers and peers or any other reason, including on a married woman by her own husband without her consent which is equivalent to marital rape.

Talking of THE PILL:

There are two types of THE PILL: the regular monthly contraception and the emergency pill.

The Regular Monthly Contraception:

These will include the use of daily pills which can be made of progesterone only (POPs or progesterone patch or lotion) or combination drugs like Mala-D. However, gone are those days and the contemporary trend is to use spacing contraceptives as tablets (non-hormonal, Chhaya) or injectables (hormonal, injectable contraceptive-MPA). Besides there are a number of pills that are hormones and are used as oral contraceptives to prevent pregnancy, but they come in a pack that are designed for contraception. These pills, thus, will not turn overdosage as will be administered in synchrony with the natural cycle without impacting the hormonal balance.  These pills are of three types: monophasic, biphasic and triphasic based on the amount of progestin and estrogen they release in a day.

Emergency Contraception:

These are the pills that are used when the regular contraception fails or unexpected and unprepared sexual intercourse has happened that can lead to unwanted pregnancy. There are a range of these pills available in the market and they work to prevent pregnancy when consumed within 12 to 72 hours, the maximum, soon after the "unexpected moments".

How do I conclude this topic? I wonder is this possible to post all you wanted to ask me or tell me and not able to open up directly as a comment here? Is this possible that you can change your opinion on reading this for a open-minded and casual direct discussions if you want one? Is this possible if you will learn to ask me if you are curious or learn manners and not to commit crimes by miusing these kind of pills for your doubts and gossips of that handsome chap as my probable husband? Is this possible for me to imagine that I conveyed the message that THE PILL and Modus you threaten to use are not the same? Is this possible that I imagine that Modus or THE PILL are not cultural stigma products but are chemicals used in treatment? Is this possible that I imagine that you will stop blasphemy in name of your religion to increase the market value of these products or make you answer my questions?

Thursday, 12 October 2017

Falling in Love - The Story of Progesterone

Progesterone is produced as a tablet. This is a steroid tablet and is used as a drug to go "high" - anabolics.

But what is the real implication of this drug in our lives? We need to know more.

Courtesy: Britannica

Biological Role of Progesterone:

I do not intend to focus more on this perspective of progesterone which is well-established and is very well known to many of us. In a gist the role of progesterone has the following physiological effect every month in a successful ovulatory cycle:

1. The secretion of egg stimulates the follicle cells by the lutenising hormone to secrete less progesterone and estrogen. This continues till successful ovulation and formation of corpus luteum.

2. The corpus luteum starts to secrete progesterone. This is to aid in the preparation of the utreus to receive this egg in a bed of tissue that will provide, anchor for development of baby with enough blood supply, oxygen and nutrients.

3. The progesterone secretion continues until the peak is reached and the egg is received. If the egg is a fertilised egg the secretion of progesterone will continue. If not the unfertilised egg will stimulate the inhibition of progesterone and estrogen secretion leading to bleeding with discharge of disintegrated tissues in the uterine lining.

These are the 3 primary roles of progesterone in biological cycle.

The following chart displays level of hormones as monthly cycles:

Courtesy: Barclays

This is  CLUE as why and what people are doing and will have an implication on the monthly synchronised cycles to the biology of individual's physiology by doping with modus. PLEASE STOP!!!

Copulatory Behavioral Role of Twin Hormones:

Esterogen: Estrogen are known to do the following: female willingness to approach a male; increases the attractiveness of the female and "primes" for progesterone.

Progesterone: Progesterone has a dual role: in small amounts this will incease and supplement estrogen activity to sexual receptivity to men and libido effects during sexual intercourse; while continued use of progesterone will increase the tendency to reject sexual activity and indulge in nurturing the developing baby if pregnant. If not pregnant, this is when the contraindications of prolonged abuse of progesterone tablets will be effective.

Common contraindications of progesterone: Fatigue, dizziness and an increase appetite. There may be more severe and serious symptoms like breakthrough bleeding, menstrual cramps, bloating caused by water weight gain, moodiness, nausea, irritability and tiredness. They mimick PMS but are not PMS. Very rare symptoms will include fainting, depression, severe headaches, vision problems, breast tenderness and trouble sleeping. Stroke, blood clots and heart attack are very rare effects.

Progesterones have the ability to inhibit bleeding while estrogens stimulate bleeding and increases bleeding levels. This is why progesterones are used to treat people with heavy bleeding or abnormal uterine bleeding (AUB).

Needless to say, without an active sex life the use of these hormone tablets, especially the doses of "birth control pills" is not recommended for the contrainidcations will be amplified. This is because the sexual activity by itself will arouse umpteen physiological elicitations in the body that may in turn will have an implication in reducing the side effects of these tablets.

Needless to say, please do not use these tablets without an appropriate health practitioner's consultation and use it only for yourself. This is why these are Schedule H drugs or prescription drugs that requires to be sold only with the prescription and administered by the physician only after consulting the patient in a proper manner.

N.B: Personal Email from Minister of WCD, India for taking action as despite reporting twice of drugsters red-handed for lack of knowledge and perspectives despite "lecture time" - I still, however, await to receive my FIR copy 

Wednesday, 20 September 2017

Dysmenorrhea Diet Plan - Fit and Healthy!

Courtesy: Google Image Search
Dysmneorrhea is painful periods and is often considered as a misnomer with heavy bleeding. However, the fact is the painful period is often associated with heavy bleeding on more than 95% of the cases. In rare occasions, patients are observed to have scanty bleeding symptoms associated with dysmenorrhea pain.

Dysmenorrhea in the first few years of menarche are called primary dysmenorrhea. People do say this condition usually continues until the first pregnancy, rather than child birth. Any other reasons that can lead to dysmenorrhea besides medical complications including stress are called secondary dysmenorrhea.

What happens during dysmenorrhea? The pain before and during the first two to three days of periods has been attributed to the cramping of the abdominal muscles which is due to the incapacity of the muscles to be flushed liberally with blood and so scanty oxygen leading to dehydration and pain called cramps.

Usually doctors put people on pills. Yes, but of course, before reaching to a doctor, is best advised to make small lifestyle adaptations and find for yourself the difference. Probably in four to five months one may even forget the pain existence. The reason is majority of the women are forgetting the need for a healthy diet for the voluminous work that the womb does – preparation for bearing a child and so the need to flush it with nutrients and pamper your uterine muscles like how a man will pamper his biceps!

After all a biceps needs so much, then why not a woman’s uterine muscles!

Here’s a small diet plan that I devised to beat the pain with healthy diet and fitness regimen:

1. Choose a regular course of exercise regimen – especially stretches and kegels for the abdominal and pelvis muscles for about 20 to 30 minutes a day .

2. Start the morning with a glassful of water or a cup of relaxing green tea with lime.
Jump start your day with loads of antioxidants – fruits mixed with calcium, minerals, vitamins and fibers – oats or wheat meal cooked in milk. Supplement with toast and egg. Toast and egg could be replaced with the regular idli and dosa but lesser in number with or without vada as usual on an Indian morning menu. If you have space once in a week an additional course of mushrooms or tofu is a very healthy and energetic way to start the day.

3. Pack the lunch bag with regular rice or chapathi. Toss with veggies, sambar or lentils and curd. Needless to say, pack your bag with fruits and a glass of lime juice for the break. What matters is the proportion – eat nominal quantities of rice and increase the fiber content in form of veggies. Besides, while choosing the vegetables the choice is important. When the plan is a starchy vegetable then is best to pack chapathi than rice, and if rice is best to toss with high-fiber veggies and lesser quantity of rice. Cheese and pasta overloaded with veggies and /or chicken and fish are not only relishing but highly nutritive.

Courtesy: Google Image Search

4. Soon on returning home, is again time to refresh with a glass of milk only if there is a need to replenish then a glass of lime juice using the other half of the lime. There are numerous healthy Indian snacks like peanuts to nut mixtures which are nutritious despite the trans-fat if purchased.

5. What’s the dinner plate to be filled in? Simply the best way is to alternate with chapathi and rice as opposing to lunch. Sometime people may resort to idli and dosa. Whatever be on the dinner plate, is best to include enough fiber and a good practice to take a banana for desert to finish the day with enough loads of minerals. Moreover, is also good to include whenever possible a good quantity of lean mean like chicken and fish and red meat like mutton.

6. Throughout the day drink plenty of water and sleep sound for minimum 8-9 hours a day.
This is always good to take a breath of fresh air even on the terrace or somewhere out in the cool air, relaxing and reading a book or playing with a pet or by the sea.

7. I include a regular portion of nuts like sesame, flax seeds, dates or raisins and regularly organ meat to increase the blood flow and reduce the inflammatory chemicals at work.

8. Nevertheless relax and set your moods under control (I hardly have a problem with my mood) but for the shift in energy seeking more rest for the body, by using simple aroma techniques like preparing bathing hot water with jasmine or other flowers and applying my own "yellow wonder bathing powder". 

I believe, dysmenorrhea can turn to be a myth if we can learn to feed our women properly and make them healthy and fit! Feeding the uterine muscles to stay healthy strong flushed with enough blood and oxygen will regulate your periods. 

The causes of dysmenorrhea can be very many. Your uterine is not an isolated organ. There are very many other organs, especially urethra. Just like how during pregnancy the growth of your baby can affect your urinary continency so the infection and discomforts of urethra on uterine. Yet another organ parts are the colorectum. All the three regions are governed by the movements of the lower pelvis floor muscles. So any affect on these muscles can effect the working system of all the three or one or two of them. They are not independent but the muscles are intertwined.

Thursday, 31 August 2017

The Brahmin - Concluding Chapter of the Dhammapada of the Compassionate Buddha

19th-century brahmins (C) alamy

Cross the river bravely, Conquer all your passions, Go beyond the world of fragments, And know the deathless ground of life.

Cross the river bravely, Conquer all your passions, Go beyond your likes and dislikes And all fetters will fall away.

Who is a true brahmin? Him I call a brahmin Who has neither likes nor dislikes, And is free from the chains of fear.

Who is a true brahmin? Him I call a brahmin Who has trained his mind to be still And reached the supreme goal of life.

The sun shines in the day; In the night, the moon; The warrior shines in battle; In meditation, the brahmin.

But day and night the Buddha shines In radiance of love for all.
Him I call a brahmin Who has shed all evil. He is called samana, “the serene,” And pabbajita, “a pure one.”

Him I call a brahmin Who is never angry, Never causes harm to others Even when he is harmed by them.

Him I call a brahmin Who clings not to pleasure. Do not cause sorrow to others: No more sorrow will come to you.

Him I call a brahmin Who does not hurt others With unkind acts, words, or thoughts. His body and mind obey him.

Him I call a brahmin Who walks in the footsteps Of the Buddha. Light your torch too From the fire of his sacrifice.

Not matted hair nor birth Makes a man a brahmin, But the truth and love for all life With which his heart is full.

Of what use is matted hair? Of what use a skin of deer On which to sit in meditation, If your mind is seething with lust?

Saffron robe, outward show, Does not make a brahmin, But training of the mind and senses Through practice of meditation.

Not riches nor high caste Makes a man a brahmin. Free yourself from selfish desires And you will become a brahmin.

He has thrown off his chains; He trembles not in fear.
No selfish bonds can ensnare him, No impure thought pollute his mind.

Him I call a brahmin Who fears not jail nor death.

Wanting nothing at all, Doubting nothing at all, Master of his body and mind, He has gone beyond time and death.

Him I call a brahmin Who turns his back on himself. Homeless, he is ever at home; Egoless, he is ever full.

This is the concluding chapter of the Dhammapada of the Compassionate Buddha. The word brahmin literally means &ldqauoone who is worthy of knowing God” (Brahman). Translated by Eknath Easwaran in The Dhammapada (Petaluma, California: Nilgiri Press, 1985).

Friday, 18 August 2017

Machli - Tigress Vigour - Life Journey in a Gist

Tiger Vs Tigress - Tigress wins...and here stands in the Asian tropical forests of Indian sub-continent, a magnificient hunting beast and an untamed roaring cat that shakes the forest grounds of Ranthambore National Forest especially when is time "hunting". People and teh officials named her, Machli, for the fish-shaped mark that was spotted on her face. A cub that stepped into this forest in the year 1997 when marked by the officials with the "conservation code T-16", did not realise that they are recording "an everlasting memory". Every step of this tigress and her life turned out to be "forever in our memories" in their lives. This beast grew popular for her magnificience and grandeur hunting skills and propagation.
She roamed ever nook and corner of the forests leaving a mark of her presence:
a. The lakes turned out to be her favourites cooling rest spots and so Lady of the Lakes:

Chilling Out

She cooled herself
b. She shows off her elegance over these rocky enclaves and so Tigress Queen of Ranthambore:

Jungle Boy's Sharekhan
Queen's palace, Royal Bengal Tigree Machli

c. She gave birth to 11 cubs in her fertility years between 1999 to 2006, and her partners were Babu Ram, Nick Ear and X-male (twice); and so was favouritely called "Queen mother of Tigers" - 7 female and 4 male cubs; this attracted tourists to the forests to see her pride of her cubs and helped the officials to earn a name pointing her as effective conservation including 100 million US Dollars - therefore they honoured her with a "Lifetime Achievement Award":

Machli and her 3 cubs: T17, T18 and T19
d. She roamed the forests in agility and valoured her strenght in hunting for prey and saving her cubs:

Her hunting skills

e. Her feat in hunting was demonstrated when she preyed on a 14 feet muggler crocodile creating a world record and was then on known as "Corcodile Killer" with loss of two canine teeth:
World Record Hunter Tigress
Her life became a history and she turned into a renounced VVIP animal when BBC aired her life history documetnary in 2012 in the Natural World serial epsiode: "Queen of Tigers: Natural World Special" and Tiger Queen. Adding to her recognition, in 2013, Government of India honoured her with a commemorative postal cover and stamp.

She had a royal send off on 18th August 2016 when the forest officials, Y. K. Sahu was notified of her death in the Ama Ghati Checkpost after an official post-mortem. She lived a legendary life of 20 long years, the longest life span for the Roarer, Oldest Tigress in this decade.

Sunday, 13 August 2017

Why Pussy 'Purr'?

Purr... Purr. I had a "purr...purr"...Thomas who turned during good days to Brigadier Thomas by standing tall on his heels over the intruder into his territory beside me where he sleeps against  Bully Boy Jim. Jim is such an unimaginable brute and a haughty cat who will climb the stairs and turn back with a malicious smiling stare and a wagging tale in anger at me...with the only person at whom he runs away like a scary cat being Jackie's brother, the dog in the neighborhood. Jackie's Lieutenant to Brigadier Thomas for he is all willing and coming forward to pounce on this bully boy Jim even over a closed gate, as he wished he could jump that tall and land safely....all this turned out to be  "Homeward Bound" for my little Brigadier Thomas...I miss all his purr these days.

Why does he Purr? When he Purrs?

1. He Purrs when he sleeps...and in extreme satisfaction even hugs me...
An unexpected hug

2. He Purss when he wants some food..and when he waits for his plate to be filled..and when he does not want me to disturb him amid his meal..until he can lick and show a satiated face with his tongue swirling around his cheeks and whiskers left to right and right to left...with gratitude "meownk you"...

Aren't I missing sipping the cup?

3. He Purrs to show his acceptance when I give him my hugs and I care actions...but not this one below...
How I learned to frighten little pests to both of us and chide brother Jackie from puffing up my fur?

I wanted to know what stirred the Purr sound? I felt all over him and found it was from the throbbing veins. I decided to do a little more reading and science behind this. I find people say the purr pushes or calms down the beast in him and lets him save on more energy that heals and makes him stronger. Science says the Purr heals his wounds and bones,  builds his muscles and tendons, lessens pain and swelling, and eases breathing. The Purr of a cat begins in the brain that stimulates neural oscillator messages to the laryngeal muscles which in turn causes the cat to twitch at the rate of 25 to 150 vibrations per second. This spontaneously leads the vocal chords to separate when the cat breathes in and out resulting in the production of involuntary noises and is what we hear as "Purr". I realized in the end that this is not his veins but his vocals that are rumbling.

Did you know? All cats don't Purr those that ROAR doesn't PURR.
All cats that Purr have completely ossified hyoid while the roars are bigger rumbles of magnified Purr that result due to incompletely ossified hyoid. So, what's more, is that Snow Leopard, an in-between, can do both, Roar and Purr. This is a "Purr" classification criterion in the cat species.

Do you want a Purr or a Roar??? I like my Purr.
The University of Minnesota Stroke Center states that the cat Purr helps to relieve stress and lowers blood pressure in owners more than any other pets.

Needless to say, Little Thomas working on his way to occupy the space of my mouse pad and replacing the mouse for himself makes life nothing more livable than for all the love he expresses for his mistress, no one inanimate but only himself.  

Sunday, 30 July 2017

Coconut Water - Traditional Sports Drink by Nature

Coconut water is the refreshing nutrient loaded sports drink that is available from nature. Nothing surpassing this small loaded nutrient water has been manufactured until to date. This I say for the reason that once you drink the little water stored in the green shell and relish the remaining water that hardened as the soft white shell, you will sustain the heat for hours unlike the artifical sports drink that will required the next round and more in litres.
What makes this coconut water a nutrient rich rehydrating drink?
USDA database shows that there are 93 nutrients in this water stored inside green or red coconut hell of fibred and a hard nut. I find this drink interesting and as this revealed me certain facts:
1. This had the least amount of glucose and no caffeine that will boost the energy but still rejuvenates back from tiredness;
2. 95% of the content is only plain water;
3. Polyphenol protected outer covering do not contaminate the drink and so is devoid of polyphenols;
4. Enriched with loads of amino acids (I found this is the most interesting fact and anyone trying a business idea - You owe me a lifelong royalty ;-D) - I'm settled for life isn't it?
5. Rich in B-complex vitamins and Vitamin C which explains the condiment taste;
6. High in selenium, a micronutrient from the soil...nature's gift explained - and loads of minerals.
This explains the rarest and the best combination that is needed on teh strenous field or on a hot day out.

Health benefits of Coconut water:
People list so many benefts of coconut water: hair, eyes, skin, stomach, etc. But here I will list some of the vital points where the use of coconut water may play a commendable role.
a. A very good rehydrating drink - good on a hot day and on the field; but I never say you should rely only on this.
b. Good as diluent for cosmetic purposes: helps in hair growth and maintenance like coconut oil; heals and nourishes skin.
c.. This is good for treating constipation and to control diarrhoea - so should be used wisely.
d. Coconut water is a very good ingredient that detoxifies the blood of poisons and toxins.
e. This heps in relieving stress and boosts immunity.
f. This is a very good rehydrating drink when someone is on medications that will raise body temperature; but in such cases is always good to seek doctor's advice on including this as a component of the diet when they prescribe a diet as well.
g. This is a very good first-aid drink and for treating cramps.
h. This is very good option to rest on while slimming and reducing weight for has the properties to satiate cravings.
Even if I write all about coconut drink, you will find me not drinking this as often as you will expect for the cost of the drink and the size of my appetite.
Happy Cocoa!!!

Saturday, 29 July 2017

How do I Hear the Sound of Sea in a Seashell?

On a sunny Sunday bech is fun. Isn't it more fun to collect seashells to hear sea and ocean sounds. How do the sea shells replay the recorded sound of the ocean?

Let's bust the truth!
All noises around you enter the sea shell along with the air that flows through it. So what happens to the sound waves entering the sea shell?
 1. The sound waves are resonated. In other words reflected. This explains teh chaos....All the surrounding noises are mixed up and comes out through the shell, the region through which you hear as a different but modified frequencies. Needless to say, the glazed and spiral shape of the sea shell amplifies the reflection of the sound waves inside the sea shell. Thus there is an amplification of the phenomenon of resonance.

2.  These chatic noises or sound waves that emerge from the sea shell into our ears are manipulated by our human brain that is vivid that the noise is coming out of the sea shell and the fact that we hear "sound of the sea" in the sea shell. So the brain network interconnects this chaotic noise to "sound of the sea" which is also a chaotic noise as the waves dash against the sand and each other.

And here is how you can have them trapped for ever digitally. :-)

Friday, 7 July 2017

Hinduism and Hylotheism: Goddess Mariamman - Goddess of Prosperity is the Vantage to Freedom

Amongst controversial debates I see around me, I better explain a small background to the topic that I intend to contemplate in this blog. It's all about prayers and devotion to Goddess to bless the harvest for the last year and to bring prosperity, fertility, health, and healthy progeny in the year to come.

(C) storytrails

The incarnation of Godess has its own roots in Hindu mythology and to the Sangam literature wherein Kings were blessed of the omnipresence of Goddess chosen places to build her the divine abode. These are the places where the Mariamman festivals are renounced. Some of the popular places of festive for this Goddess who can bless health, wealth, and offspring are Trichy, Tanjore, Madurai, Karur, Chennai, Salem, Virudhunagar, Sivakasi, Vellore, Erode, etc. The Goddess is depicted in two forms: "happy"- red clad beautiful woman in her own austere temperament or "angered" - Spartan Gooddess depicted with fangs and mane signifying the outpour against wrong deeds. She is the Goddess of rain turned ubiquitous and reached smaller corners of villages with its own myth for evolution. Whatever be the reason, her abode once destined turns sacred and multiplies standing for the name, Goddess Mariamman. The word 'Mari' means 'rain' and 'amman' means "resident or citizen or onw who stays in this place for a long time". This is the reason why every village mariamman has her own binding to the native population.

The worship of Mariamman has evolved with time implying more on the welfare and the prosperity of the people and their expression of devotion in need or gratitude. There is a sheer display of extremism many a time in the worship of Goddess Mariamman displaying the desperate man seeking supranatural divine but good blessings of God. Some of these include walking on heated charcoal, carrying pots of charcoal fire, tribulatory blessings of having weapons pierced through the skin, rolling on the floor, carrying pots of charcoal to more subtle prayers like fasting and wearing yellow clothes, carrying margosa and neem leaves, drummers and dancers banging and singing songs. Some people offer or sell their harvests like goats and chickens and feast on them. Some of the foods prepared in the premises of the temple or in worship places are porridge and pongal. The Goddess is adorned with a vareity of flowers. All forms of worship are done with the underlying intention to appease the Goddess to bring rain, heal diseases and bless with good husbands for the unmarried and offsprings to the married.

Having explained the various forms of worhsip of Goddess Mariamman, I will like to question the misconceptions and modern practices. The divine supremacy has been accepted and the concept of worshipping Goddes Mariamman seems to swirl aroound "bringing rain" for the land thrives on the monsoon for agriculture and water for cattles and human-self. This is other words means that people believed nature like a women who is able to give birth to a child and so took the form of Goddess Mariamman, the Goddess of Rains or Monsoon. This equals to fertility. No where I find God forbids the longevity of a womb but only people seemed to worship and pray for fertility, vitality, well-being and life for all. Will anyone pray for the destruction of fertility of another woman? I tried finding out from the mouth of the horse that maybe pulling the rope of axe, illusively as carrot of faith, on its head for others to scapegallows.

Sunday, 16 April 2017

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рдк्рд░ोрдЭрд╕рддिрд░ाрди рджрд╡ाрдпि рдХि рдЙрдкрдпोрдЧ|


рдоेрд░ि рдк्рд░्рдпाрди:

рдоै рд╕рдм्рдХो рдк्рд░ोрдЭрд╕рддिрд░ाрди рджрд╡ाрдпि рдЧрд▓рдд рддрд░िрдХे рд╕े рдЙрдкрдпोрдЧ рдХрд░рдиे рдХे рд▓िрдпे рдордиा рдХрд░ो | рджрд╡ाрдпि рджेрдиे рдХि рдЕрджिрдХाрд░ рдеो рд╕िрд░्реЮ рдбाрдХ्рдЯрд░ рдХे рдкाрд╕ рд╣ि рд╣ो| рдЙрди्рдХि рдмिрдиा рдХोрдпि рдФрд░ рдХो рджेрдиे рдХि рдЕрджिрдХाрд░рдирд╣िрди рдФрд░ рдЙрд╕े "рдпेрдо्рд░्рдЭрди्рд╕ि рдЦाрди्рдЯ्рд░ाрд╕ेрдк्рд╢рди" рднोрд▓्рдиे рдХि рдЕрджिрдХाрд░ рдирд╣िрди рд╣ै| рдкोрд▓िрд╕्рд╡ाрд▓ोрди рдФрд░ рдХोрдИ рдХो рднि рдЙрдкрдпोрдЧ рдХрд░्рди्рдиे рдХे рд▓िрдпे рдЕрджिрдЦाрд░ рдирд╣िрди рд╣ैрди рдФрд░ рд╡ोрд╣ рдЧрдбि рд╣ै| рдЗрд╕ рджрд╡ाрдпि рдХि рдХाрд░рди рд░рдЦрд░ рд╕िрд╡рдЧрди्рдЧै рд╕े рдорджुрд░ै рд╕े рдЫेрди्рдиै рддрдХ рдХोрдпि рдХि рдХрдоिрдпाрдмि рдХो рдЕрдоिрд▓िрдпो рдкोрди्рдиु рд▓рдб्рдХि рдиे рд╕ाрд░ि рдЬिрди्рджрдЬि рдЫूрд░ाрдпि | рдоैрдиे 2014 рд╕े 2017 рдЕрдмि рддрдХ рдЗрд╕ рджрд╡ाрдпि рдХि рдХाрд░рди рд╢рд░िрд░ рд╕े рддрдХ्рд▓िрдл рд╣ो рд░рд╣ि рд╣ैрди| рдЙрди्рд▓ोрдЧोрдиे рдоेрд░ि рд╢рд░िрд░ рдХो рддрдХ्рд▓िрдл рджेрдиे рдХे рд▓िрдпे рдпेрд╕े рдХि рдФрд░ рдЙрди्рдХो рдпेрд╕े рд╣ि рдкैрд╕ा рдХрдоाрдп рд░рд╣ि рд╣ै| рдФрд░ рддрд░िрдХे рд╕े рднोрд▓्рдиा рд╣ै рдеो рдЙрди्рдиे рдХोрдпि рдФрд░ рд▓рдб्рдХिрдпो рдХि рд╢рд░िрд░ рдХो рднेрдЭ рд░рд╣ै рд╣ै | рдЗрд╕्рд╕े рдбाрд▓्рдХрд░ рдЙрди्рд▓ोрдЧोрди्рдиे рдм्рд▓ाрдХ्рдоैрд▓ рдХिрдпा рдХोрдЗ рдЖрд░्рдоिрд╡ाрд▓ो рдоे рдЧрд▓्рдд рдмोрд▓्рдиे рдХे рд▓िрдпे| рдоे рд░ि рдк्рдпрд░ि рдЬिрджрдЧि рдХрдм рд╡ाрдкрд╕ рдоेрд░े рдкाрд╕ рдЖрдпेрди्рдЧि?

Sunday, 9 April 2017

THIS BLOG IS FOR KNOWLEDGE AND AWARENESS ONLY. YOU'RE LIABLE TO LEGAL CONTROVERSIES AND IMPRISONMENT TO STIR GROUPIST ACTIVITIES AND RIOTS FOR PERSONAL BENEFITS: роОроЪ்роЪро░ிроХ்роХை!!! родро╡ிро░்рок்рокோроо்! родро╡ிро░்рок்рокோроо்! родройிрооройிрод роЙро░ிрооை, рокெрог்рогுро░ிрооைроХ் роХாрок்рокோроо்!!!роироо் рооுрой்ройுро░ிрооை роЙроЯро▓்рокро▓роо் роЙро░ிрооை!

рокுро░ோроЬро╕்родிро░ாрой் рооாрод்родிро░ைропிрой் рооро░ுрод்родுро╡ роЙрокропோроХроо்:


 роОройродு роЗрок்рокропройрод்родுроХ்роХுроХ் роХாро░рогроо்:

роОрой் ро╡ாро┤்роХ்роХைропிрой் роЙроЪ்роЪроХ்роХроЯ்роЯ ро╡ெро▒ுрок்рокைроХ் роЙрог்роЯாроХ்роХிропрок் рокெро▒ுрооை рокுро░ோроЬро╕்родிро░ாрой் рооாрод்родிро░ைроХ்роХு роЙрог்роЯு. роЕродро▒்роХுроХ் роХாро░рогроо் роХுро▒்ро▒роо் роЪெроп்ропрок் рокропрой்рокроЯுрод்родுро╡родுродாрой். роТро░ு рокெрог் рооீродு роЕрокாрог்роЯாрооாроп் рокро┤ி рокோроЯ роЙрокропோроХிрод்родродுродாройாроХுроо். роЕрои்родрок் рокெрог் роиாрои்родாрой். роЗродройாро▓்родாрой் роЗродройை роОро┤ுродுроХிро▒ேрой். роЗродройை роЗро╡ро░்роХро│் роороХрок்рокேро▒ு рооро░ுрод்родுро╡ро░ிрой் роЖро▓ோроЪройைропிрой்ро▒ி роЙрокропோроХிрод்родро│் роЪроЯ்роЯрок்рокроЯிроХ் роХுро▒்ро▒роо் - роЗродройிрой் роЕро░்род்родроо் роЕродройைроХ் роХொроЯுрок்рокро╡ро░்роХро│் рооீродு роЪроЯ்роЯрок்рокроЯி роироЯро╡роЯிроХ்роХை роироороХ்роХு роЙро░ிрооை роЙрог்роЯு. роЕродுро╡ுроо் роЕро╡ро░்роХро│் роХொроЯுроХ்роХுроо் рокொро┤ுродு рооро▒ுрод்родродாро▓் родாрооாроХ роЙрогро╡ீро▓் роХро▓рои்родு роХொроЯுрод்родு рокро┤ிрокோроЯ்роЯு роПро▓ройроо் рокேроЪி роХро▓ிроХ்роХூро░ுро╡родுроо் роороЯ்роЯுрооро▓்ро▓ாрооро▓் ро╡ро┤ி ро╡ேродройைропைроХ் роХрог்роЯு роороХிро┤்ро╡родு роОрои்род ро╡роХைропிро▓் роЮாропроо்? роЗрои்род роИройроЪ் роЪெропро▓ை роТро░ு роХрогро╡рой் роЪெроп்родாро▓் роЕроХ்роХுро▒்ро▒род்родிро▒்роХுрок் рокெропро░் "рооிро░ைроЯ்роЯро▓் ро░ேрок்".

роЗрои்родроХ் роХுро▒்ро▒род்родிройாро▓் роиாрой் рокро▓ ро╡ро░ுроЯроЩ்роХро│ாроп் роЕро╡родிрок்рокроЯ்роЯுроХ் роХொрог்роЯிро░ுроХ்роХிро▒ேрой். роЗродройை ро╡ைрод்родு рокெро░ிроп роЙро│்роиோроХ்роХрод்родை роиிро░ைро╡ேро▒்ро▒ рооுропро▒்роЪ்роЪிроХ்роХிро▒ாро░்роХро│். 2014 роПроГрок்ро░ро▓் рооாродроо் рооுродро▒்роХோрог்роЯு рооிро░роЯ்роЯுроХிро░ாро░்роХро│். роЖройாро▓் роОройродு роЕро▒ிропாрооைропிройாро▓ுроо் рооро▒்ро▒ுроо் родிроЯрооாроХ рокேроЪ роЗропро▓ாрооро▓் роЗро░ுрои்родродிройாро▓ுроо் 2015 роЬройро╡ро░ி рооாродроо்родாрой் роОрой்ройாро▓் рооройு роХொроЯுроХ்роХрооுроЯிрои்родродு. роЕродрой் ро╡ிро│ைро╡ாроХ роиிропрооிроХ்роХрок்рокроЯ்роЯродрой் рокோро▓ிроЪ் роЕродிроХாро░ிропிрой் ро╡ிроЪாро░ைройைропிрой் рооூро▓рооாроХ роиாройுроо் родெро░ிрои்родродுроХ் роХொрог்роЯேрой் роЕро╡ро░்роХро│் рокோродைрод்родроЯைроЪ் роЪроЯ்род்родிрой்роХீро┤் роХுро▒்ро▒роо் рокுро░ிроХிро▒ாро░்роХро│்.

роЖройாро▓் роЕро╡ро░ோ роЕродройைро╡ைро▒்ро▒ு роЖродாропроо் родேроЯுроХிро▒ாро░்роХро│். роЖрои்род роЕродிроХாро░ிроХ்роХு роЙроЯрои்родைропாроХாроХроЪ் роЪிро▓ рокெрог் рокோро▓ீроЪ் роЕродிроХாро░ிроХро│ுроо் роЖрогро╡ ро╡ிро│ைропாроЯ்роЯாроп் роЕро╡ро░்роХро│ிрой் роорой ро╡ெро▒ிропை ро╡ெро│ிрок்рокроЯுрод்родுроХிро▒ாро░்роХро│். роЗродро▒்роХுроХ் роХாро░рогроо் роОрой்ройро╡ெрой்ро▒ு роиாрой் роЕро▒ிропேрой். роЕро╡ро░்роХро│் роЕродிроХாро░род்родை ро╡ெро│ிрок்рокроЯுрод்родро│ிрой் роХாро░рогрооாроХ родூрог்роЯுро╡ிроЯுроХிро▒ாро░்роХро│். роЗроХ்роХுро▒்ро▒ро╡ாро│ிроХро│ுроХ்роХு роЙродро╡ро╡ுроо் роЪெроп்роХிро▒ாро░்роХро│். роЕро╡ро░்роХро│ுроо் рокроЩ்роХேро░்рок்рокродுродாрой் роЗрой்ройாроЯ்роЯிро▒்роХு роЕро╡рооாройроо்.

роОрой் рооройுро╡ை роТрок்рокுрооூро▓роо் роЙрод்родிро░ро╡ாродрооாроп் 10 роЕродிроХாро░рооுроЯைропро╡ро░்роХро│் родெро░ிро╡ிрод்родாро░்роХро│். роЕрои்род рооро░ுрои்родை родропாро░்роЪ் роЪெроп்ропுроо் роиிро▒ுро╡ройрооுроо் роЕродிро▓் роЕроЯроЩ்роХுроо். роЕродு роЕро╡ро░்роХро│ிрой் роЙро░ிроороо் рокெро▒்ро▒ роиாроороо் роЖроХுроо். роЕродройாро▓் рооுро▒ைрокроЯி роЕродройை роЗро╡்ро╡родிроХாро░ிропாройро╡рой் роГрок்ро░рой்роЪிроХ் рооро▒்ро▒ுроо் роХுро▒்ро▒роХ் роХрог்рогோроЯ்роЯродுроЯрой் ро╡ிроЪாро░ிрод்родு роЪрооро░்рок்рокிрод்родிро░ுрои்родாро▓் роЗрои்роиிро▒ுро╡ройрооுроо் рооேро▓்рооுро▒ைропிроЯுроЪ் роЪெроп்родிро░ுрок்рокாро░்роХாро│்.

роЗро╡்ро╡ாро▒ு роЗрои்род рооро░ுрои்родிройைроХ் роХொрог்роЯு рокெрог்роХро│ை роЕро╡рооாройроо் роЪெроп்ропுроо் роИройрок்рокிро▒ро╡ிроХро│். роЕро╡ро│ிрой் роХро░ுрок்рокைропிройை роЕро╡роородிрод்родு роЪрои்родோроХ்ро╖роо் рокроЯுроо் рооூроЯро░்роХро│்.

рооро░ுрод்родுро╡ рооுро▒ைроХро│ைропுроо் роЙро▓роХ рооро░ுрод்родுро╡ рокро┤роХ்роХрод்родை роиிро▒்ро╡роХிроХ்роХுроо் роиிро▒ுро╡ройрооாрой் роГрок்роЯிроП, роЗрои்родிроп роГрок்роЯிроП роироЯро╡роЯிроХ்роХை роОроЯுроХ்роХ рооுроЯிропுроо் роОрой்ро▒ு рооிрог்рогроЮ்роЪро▓் рооூро▓роо் родெро░ிро╡ிрод்родாро░்роХро│். роЗрои்родிроп роиாроЯு роПрой் ро╡ிрокроЪ்роЪாро░ рооைродாройрооாропுроо் рокெрог் роЪிрод்родிро░ро╡родைропிрой் ро╡ிро│ைропாроЯ்роЯро░роЩ்роХாропுроо் рооாро▒ிро╡ிроЯ்роЯродு? роЗродро▒்роХ்роХாроХ ро╡ேро▓ை ро╡ாроп்рок்рокுроХро│ைрод் родроЯ்роЯிрок்рокро▒ிрод்родுро╡ிроЯ்роЯு роЪூро┤்роиிро▓ைроХро│ுроХ்роХு рокро▓ро╡ிройрооாройро╡ро│ாроп் роЖроХ்роХ роиிройைрок்рокродрой் роХாро░рогроо் роПрой்?

роЗродрой் роХாро░рогрооாроХ роиாрой் рокро▓ ро╡ாроп்рок்рокுроХро│ை роЗро┤рои்родு роиிро▒்роХродிропாроп் роОройродு роЪுро▒்ро▒ி роЗро░ுроХ்роХுроо் роЪрооுродропாрод்родிро▓் родрой்рооாройрооிрой்ро▒ி ро╡ாро┤ роЗроЯроо் ро╡ро┤ிро╡роХுроХ்роХிро▒ாро░்роХро│். рокெрог் роОрой்рокро╡ாро│ாроп் роЙрой் родாроп்рооைропைропாропிройுроо் роЙрой் роЙроЯро▓் ро╡ро▓ிрооைропாропிройுроо் роЕродройை роЪுроХрооாроп் роЕро▓்ро▓ாрооро▓் роородிроХ்роХ роХро▒்ро▒ுроХ்роХொроЯுрок்рокோроо்! рооро▒ுрок்рокீро░்!! рооро▒ுроХ்роХ роХро▒்ро▒ுроХ்роХொро│்ро╡ீро░்роХро│்!"рооுроЯிропாродு!" роОрой்рокродு роОройродு роЙро░ிрооை!!! роЗродு роОрой் роХுро░ро▓்!!!