Tuesday, 30 December 2014
Sunday, 28 December 2014

CLASS | Mammalia |
ORDER | Carnivora |
FAMILY | Ursidae |
GENUS | Ailuropoda |
SPECIES | melanoleuca |

Friday, 12 December 2014
People started asking me why I wrote this blog? Hallucinations, my doctor when I told him of seeing light flashes - he clearly told this is not related to my sclerotic neuroheadache and assured that this hardly happens to patients with even serious neural conditions. The only reason is stress and I need to eat well nutritively and good sleep. I was stressed and maybe due to the trauma of being hit by the ball that reduced automatically with the healing of the neck and muscles in the back of my head. Please do not trouble me recollecting these events again.
Thursday, 4 December 2014
They belong to the family of Passer and are cosmopolitan entertainers of the city, though predominantly feeding on seeds, grains and small insects. They are unusually cute, small, plumpy little birds that are brown in colour with grey feathers in between their wings and tail with stubby and powerful beaks. Male house sparrows are brighter brown in colour, while the female sparrows are dull and grubby. Stripes of black, brown and buff on sparrows are the striking features of male sparrows.

Thursday, 13 November 2014
Complete your project work before you go to DTP (Xerox) shop with me....What I will do for you???
1. Tables - Min. Rs. 3 per Table
2.Graphs - Min. Rs. 5 per Graph
3. Pictures and Image Alignment - Min. Rs. 10 per plate of A4 size.
Contact: 9500906549;
email: ecoagripolicy@gmail.com
Sunday, 9 November 2014
Tuesday, 4 November 2014
Principal - Stop Corporal Punishment
All you need to do is to click on the link and sign the petition. If you think you can do a little more, kindly pass this onto to others whom you know will have a good heart and mind. I ask this support as I want to live and not die for the cold blooded murder by the concerned administrative authorities for not using this punishment and going ahead with life. I wonder why public mass is liking to see their children beaten to death. Of course no death reported in this case, because I was present and there was a fear looming that I will not support if I know the truth. Severe punishments were tried in my notice period because I was being physically hurt and now not sure how long I will be alive if you do not show you support me. PLEASE RAISE YOUR VOICE!!!! I hear so many children cry in joy asking people to support for they are being beaten in contempt!!!
Principal - Stop Corporal Punishment
Saturday, 1 November 2014
Tuesday, 21 October 2014
Care While You Burst And Blast
How I wish I could WISH YOU ALL A HAPPY DIWALI!!! And, I do here!!!
Diwali, yes – Festival of Lights, but these days we are making it as Festival of Crackers!!! No Worries!!! Opinion Differs.
Coming to the celebration of Diwali, last year has been my worst experience in seeing personally a number of deaths and accidents, especially because, I regretted till the end that I could not give them a detailed instructions on bursting crackers!!! Here I go, I have the best time to make use of my access to net in peace with the limited time to post some precautions that you could take while bursting crackers.
- Choose your place to burst crackers!!! Avoid crowded, congested places, narrow places and lanes, huts and animal shelters, garbage and trash areas and places where sources of fire, including the whole lot of fire crackers that you have purchased and have placed them out to burst.
- Supervision of children while bursting crackers is a must. Today morning as I walked past, I saw three children trying to burst crackers on the top of a compound wall – Appreciate their intelligence to avoid wet surface – but by the time they lit the fire and get back to a safe distance the cracker would have exploded! No Parents near by!!!
- Buy branded and sealed crackers – do not buy loose crackers and those which do not have ISI or ISO or that of an authorising agency’s seal and from licensed shops. Your safety first is very important – why? Authorising agency limits the amount of exploding materials that is to be standardised and placed inside the crackers in terms of both quality and quantity.
- Avoid long loose and nylon or silk clothes – good that you would love to burst crackers in your Diwali dress – but is that worth your life??? I still remember one of my neighbour, an engineering graduate, lighting lamp for Diwali when her grand, expensive silk saree got burnt – I informed only to get abused, leaving aside for her thankful mother.
- Wear closed shoes for your good to prevent crackers from hurting your feet and don’t examine burst crackers.
- Keep in handy a bucket of water and sand, and a blanket to wrap yourself if only you get hurt by fire…Also have a burnt first-aid kit, icepack, etc., in handy.
- Do not burst crackers like rockets or those that shoot up or flower pots near plants and trees.
- Always use long Agarbatti (incense stick) or lit stick to burst crackers. Avoid using matchbox and candles. Never ever use oil lamps to light your lit sticks or other small fireworks, incense sticks.
- There is no thrill in holding crackers and throwing them – you could land hurting someone and if that happens to be someone on whom you have a displeasure they may corner you with a murder complaint.
- Keep a bucket or dig a pit to dispose all the burnt cracker and in the end throw that bucket of water into the pit.
- Do not intimidate small kids to burn crackers forcefully. They will learn at their own time and pace.
- Park all your vehicles at a safer distance and never burst them on main roads where vehicles pass-by.
All done and back into your house – STOP – don’t rush to those sweet and snack shop – wash yourself completely with lots of soap and water to rinse off all the toxins from the crackers that you had been handling….
Rush to the nearest hospital in case of injury – be glad to know that there are docs ready to come and help you!!! Be glad to know that there are people in fire department to come in and subdue the fire for you!!!
Do you want to WISH everyone A HAPPY DIWALI – then please don’t hurt others!!!!
Monday, 8 September 2014
Say No To Drugs! Let Your Mind Control The Drug and Not The Drug Control You!–PART I

In the next section to follow we will see more of the symptoms associated with different types of drug abuse……
Thursday, 4 September 2014
Story of Two Horses
Author: Rachel Predeepa J
Friday, 15 August 2014
Borstol Schools In India – Is This A Need Of The Hour?
Borstol Schools was an initiative taken under the British Governance in India for the welfare of youth as part of reformation and uplifting the moral and social status of adolescent girls in specific. As part of this various Acts of Reformation were framed which includes U. P. Naik Girls Protection Act, 1929, Bombay Devadasi Protection Act, 1934 and Madras Devadasi Act, 1947. At this instance for the welfare of adolescent offenders the Borstal Schools Act was also instituted in various states, which resulted in the establishment of the first Madras Borstal Schools Act, 1926.
Borstol Schools and Observation Homes are the step towards culminating young and budding criminal offenders to make a better society for tomorrow !
Saturday, 2 August 2014
Join My Venture In Eco-Anti-Cracker Campaign – Less Noise!
Saturday, 21 June 2014
Find here below are more information to read on corporal punishment Awareness Campaign jointly established by Save the Children, UNICEF, CEAPA and CONCAPA and two videos one on corporal punishment and other on sexual abuse of students. Furthermore I worked in a CBSE school and have given the URLs to CBSE’s stature on the use of corporal punishment in hope that the state government body if they happened to read my blog will take this as an opportunity to incorporate this into their system of education as well if not done earlier.
Thursday, 19 June 2014
I started my school days in a small factory school where teaching staff are appointed in a similar manner like many of the other management schools in Madurai. The only difference is that this school has a bigger space comparatively to other schools from the surrounding villages. Canning, undressing students and kneeling are some of the common forms of punishments that I have observed during my childhood days. My mother has been more of an activist in those days despite being a home maker who knows less of the world and people outside. I say this because she cared more for her children and her friends. I still remember three to four incidents during my childhood when my mother came forward and spoke rather questioned my teachers including the Principal.

Read the blog to follow for further readings.....
Wednesday, 11 June 2014
Parakeets Versus Love Birds
(C) Birdden |
(C) birdlife |
(c) Australiawonderfulbirds |
(c) petguide |
Male Versus Female: Parakeet male birds coexist with mutual understanding but not female birds. However, when female birds are kept together they usually land up fighting. However, in pairs they are much happier and are easy to tame in contrast to other birds, including parrots.
Habitat and Nurturing Parakeets: Parakeets usually are seen in the wild as wanderers in open grasslands and woodlands. They usually live in flocks feeding on seeds, spinifex, grass weeds and wheat from the fields. They love to preen themselves which might become a habit in captivity. Parakeets are excellent and intelligent companions and in Indian mythology “Parrot” was considered to be the best friend of Goddess Meenakshi, Madurai, Tamil Nadu.
At home you can make your little greeny comfortable in a rectangular cage by spreading paper towels or tissue paper, but I would suggest from my personal experience newspaper or magazine paper for they have the habit of tearing them into pieces. Decorate and bring to life the cage with perches (my mom used pressure cooker gasket and CD to keep them engaged), water and food dishes, besides toys. Some of the suggested toys for parakeets are those with bells, trucks where they can perch and peck, spinning toys, toys that move with touch and toys made of paper and soft wood. The cage should be kept in a place which is least disturbed and from where they can enjoy soft music with you. This is difficult to have a parakeet with you for one need to really take care of them, but they get habituated to you changing water and food; and if you forget one day to fill their food day – not to worry they will come to the door to call you and ask for food.
The best food for parakeets are seeds and bird food; besides fresh vegetables like parsley leaves, mint, coriander leaves, kale, beets, peas, carrots, parsleys, cooked yams, sliced apples, mandarin oranges and citrus – all chopped into small slices using a food processor and dispersed into their little bowls. Food to avoid to be given to parakeets which otherwise will make them sick are: canned veggies, non-organic fruits or veggies, avocados, eggplant, rhubarb, potato and tomato leaves, bean plant leaves, apple seeds, alcohol, coffee and tea, chocolate, apricot, cherry, peach, pear and plum seeds, peanut and gravel.
Time is the most important criteria that you can give your little ones so that they will feel at home and one among you. The best way to tame and pamper the little birds is to keep talking to them, feeling them, patting them and allowing them to climb over your fingers and peck. Once you tame one of the birds in the cage, the rest of them are automatically nudged by the rest of the birds to be pampered. They are better friends, intelligent observers and talk to you when you come back home. This is no scrap to do with God; just reverting the love and care that you give them.
Parakeets should be allowed to fly within confined spaces to give them some exercise and keep them active and healthy. Weight loss and weight gain are two major problems of parakeets in confinement. Measuring them regularly is very important, and of course not all of us bother much but when enough exercise is given, this becomes unimportant. Parakeet shows signs of illness which could be observed from their droppings, vomiting and swooping down on the cage floor. they stop flying and prefer sitting, of course my nephew’s parakeet likes to perch on me and get pampered, which when it keeps pecking, which is not a sign of illness. One will notice fatigue in them.
(c)steemit |
Talking Parakeets: Parakeets learn to sing and make sounds like how we speak to them while pampering. This has got nothing to do with Amman or any other superstitious beliefs. They mimic people who spend and interact more with them. In fact, male parakeets are much easier to tame and quick to learn than female parakeets.
Love birds also belong to the family of parrots but are much more smaller than parakeets. Love birds are much more sociable and affectionate to the owners. These birds are native to African continent and Madagascar. These birds are so named because they prefer to have monogamous relationships and live in pairs for a long time. The pair likes to spend time together for hours and when the bonding breaks the lifetime of the birds decreases. Though found in pairs, pairs remain together in flocks.
(C) biologydictionary |
Species: There are 9 species in love birds. The common domestic love birds are peach-faced, fisher and masked. These birds usually weighs around 50-55 gm and live for nearly 8 to 10 years reaching a maximum of 15 years.
(C) birdscoo |
(C) flickr |
(C) ebird |
Fischer’s love birds are one of the smallest birds with the most brilliant variations in colours. The face which is usually bright red in colour for the male bird in particular, which is somewhat orange tint in female and also dulls out as orange as it goes down from face to throat and while reaching the breast is yellowish-orange in colour and has a smart green body colour. These birds have blue rump and orange and black traces on their wings. While as usual the feet and legs are grey and the beak is red in colour. Other common colour variations in these birds will include black or dark eyed white colour bird, dilute blue and yellow, cinnamon, Lutino and albino.
(C) pbase
Black-masked love birds are the second most popular types of birds next to peach-faced. These birds are marketed for their wonderful brilliant colour contrasts like dark factor, blue, dilute and pied. these are one of the most noisiest birds that keeps chirping throughout the day, especially at high-pitch during dawn and dusk.
Food: They eat grasses, fruits, vegetables and seeds. Black species of love birds are omnivores in a sense that they also feed on figs and small insects.
Love birds lay nearly 4 to 6 eggs and is the female which plays a major role in building and preparing the nest and hatching of eggs.
Taming Love Birds: These gentle yet boisterous birds are often called “Pocket Parrots”. They are capable of mimicking human voices to a certain extent, especially of those who are closer to them, unfortunately are good as “talking parrots”. If you are looking for a bird to talk then these are not of your choice. However if you are looking for someone who will adore you like a dog or a cat and yet you can leave them inside your house for a holiday with a bowl full of seeds and water, then these are the best pets. However, your absence will make them aggressive, still you can pamper them back to normal by giving more time than usual. Sounds human indeed! One of the main problem in having these love birds is that they are much prone to feather picking if you leave them unnoticed. As these birds are quite used to chew the barks of woods in nature, this is advisable that you get them toys that are chewable especially those made of soft wood and of course, there is no better toy than their dropped feathers.