Sunday, 30 January 2011

Australian Rice Varieties

Australia being one of the biggest countries in the Southern hemisphere, located in the Oceania continent, faces both the tropical and temperate climates. Despite having a tropical climate, which is being considered to the be the favorable climate for growing the semi-aquatic crop, rice, in Australia, only 20 per cent of the total rice produced could be attributed to the tropical side, while more than 80 per cent of the production comes from the temperate regions of Australia in Victoria and New South Wales.

This 80 percent of the rice production will include the cultivation of medium grain varieties called the Japonica varieties. The high temperature during the summer and lack of tropical humidity, favors the growth of these varieties. They are, therefore, very often called the temperate varieties. Some of the popular Japonica varieties cultivated and used well in Australia are Amaroo and their predecessor, Calrose. Amaroo and Millin are the most popular medium grain rice varieties.

Nevertheless, Koshihikari, is the short rice variety, that is also used much in Japan.

The rest of the 20 percent of the rice to be cultivated in the tropical regions will comprise of the long grain Indica varieties, like the Langi, being the largest seller. Other popularly cultivates long grain rice varieties will also include the fragrant varieties like the Basmati. 

So, which , rice do you think you are consuming more?

Thursday, 27 January 2011

Disney Themes On Android Phones In Japan

When Disney seems to enter into your Android 2.2 phones in Japan, they come with all pomp and merry, giving you lots of fun and love as wallpapers, icons, widgets, apps and this time even an email id.

Japan is expecting in bringing down the disney theme, sometime next month..Meanwhile, watch the show!

Sunday, 23 January 2011

Know My Guardian Angels

Do you  want to know which will be the Angel to invite you into the Paradise in the Heaven above the Earth? Then type in your Date of Birth, after reading this article, and you will get to know who is going to invite you to prepare you for your Day of Judgment!

Your Guardian Angel is based on the day you were born and I will be discussing the Guardian angel in my household here.

My Dad:

I found that his Angel is St. Sealtiel.

St. Sealtiel is the Archangel of contemplation and workshop, and stands before God with an incenser in hand symbolizing the non-stop adoration to the Most Holy Trinity in Christianity, and a point to not my Dad has Trinity as part of his Family Name. The purity of this angel’s mission is to transform the love and worship that we give to God. Probably these people can choose a successful career in theology. This angel is the one that provides you with the power to overcome evil deeds.

This Angel is known for stopping Abraham from killing his own son as a sacrifice. (Gen. 22:12)

My Mom:

Her angel, St. Raphael is the Archangel, who as per Christianity will guide you to the journey to Heaven, where God has a room for all of us. This is the place of ultimate happiness. The Angel gives you the power to discern good from bad, and helps us to be precarious about dangers. This Angel is also known as the “medicine of God” and will bring to your home good health and abundant provisions during this journey. (Tob. 8:3; 12:15).

My Sister:

Her Angel, St. Uriel is the Angel with a weighing scale that will remind of divine justice based on the good things we do in relation to God, which benefits to our neighbors and to ourselves, both to the individuals and to the community. This will be the Angel as Revelation to come down to earth on the Day of Judgement to judge the godlessness and pride of the human race. (Book of Henoch and IV Esd. 4:1).

My Nephew:

The angel for this little brat is St. Gabriel. A very popular Angel carrying the secret messages of God to human beings to God’s chosen one. He is the Angel who announced the birth of Christ via Blessed Virgin Mary (Luke 1:19) and foretold Daniel about the world (Dan 8:19; 9:21).


Being the pride of having St. Uriel as the Angel like my sister. Quite interesting indeed!

Now is that you have read about the Guardian Angels in my household, who is yours? Check Out Here!